On August 23, 2013, in the Hotel Providence's Thurber Ballroom, a panel was held at the NecronomiCon that was one of the most relevant for every fan in attendance-
HPL Online. Whether you're using Facebook groups to stay in touch with other Lovecraftians, searching blogs for art and interviews, or buying old Arkham Houses on eBay, we've shaped the internet as a tool to met our needs and desires, but what would the Old Gent from Providence have thought of this technology? Where can fans find the latest mythos fiction and get involved, and what's on the horizon? These were some of the questions addressed by this panel, which included
The Lovecraft eZine's Mike Davis, Leeman Kessler of the popular
Ask Lovecraft videos, and Chad Fifer of the
H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast, and was moderated by Alex Houstoun, the man behind the H.P. Lovecraft Facebook page.
Listen to the audio below for an entertaining and enlightening discussion.